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Business Leadership

Being a Business Leader can be very difficult. As we touch on elsewhere, trying to keep your personal and business lives separate can be impossible for many business owners. When our personal businesses lives are hectic, we definitely do not feel like a leader. But I always reminded myself of an old saying from the ancient Roman days, by a poet named, Horace, anytime I felt "beat down" by it all: Adversity reveals the genius of a general; good fortune conceals it.


None of us know what we are capable of until we are challenged with difficulty in our lives. You may feel like you cannot make it through a tough situation. But I am here to tell you that, you can. And you will go though other challenges, and you will make it through them.  Leadership comes from going through many experiences, and using good judgetment to make it through difficult times. The only way you will learn this, and learn what you are capable of, is to go through challenges in life.  Do not dread tough situation. They are some of our best lessons in life.


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